Instruction For Authors

This journal is committed to the publication of original research articlrs, notes, and short communications on all aspects of fisheries business,economics and administration(management). As a rule, members of the society are only allowed to submitthe article. However, it is exceptively allowed to the collaborative researchers with members of the societyand invited contributors. Submitted manuscripts should not have been published, accepted, or be undercontemporaneous consideration for publication elsewhere, either in print form or via any form of electronicmedia. A doctoral thesis should be mentioned at the bottom of the first page of manuscript. Manuscript willbe reviewed in accordance with the regulation of the society.

Peer Review
All manuscripts submitted is reviewed by three peer reviewers qualified to evaluate the manuscript. Reviewersare unaware of the identity of the authors, and authors are also unaware of the identity of reviewers(blindreview).The author is expected to respond to all reviewers′comments either by making appropriate revisionsor stating why the comments are unreasonable. The Editor will consider the revisions, and recommend to theEditor-in-Chief to either accept or reject the manuscript. The author will then be informed by the Editor-in-Chief of the final decision.

Forms of Publication
This journal publishes original articles, in principle, exceptionally can publish research notes, shortcommunications.
Original Articles : This form of publication represents original research articles on fisheries business,economics and administration(management).
Research Notes : Research notes differ from research articles on the basis of scope, not quality. Notes areprinted in essentially the same format are full articles.
Short Communications : Short reports of original researches are accepted for publication.

Preparation of Manuscript
1. All manuscripts must be written in Korean or English.
2. The first page of the manuscript includes the full title of the article, the full name of all authors withtheir affiliation, departments, institute(or organization), contact information(including address,telephone number and e-mail) and research grant. If there are more than 2 authors, the first authorshould be the greatest contributor to the article. Author to whom correspondence should be directed, specified as a corresponding author.
3. The Abstract should be described within 1 page before the main text. Please select 5 key words forindexing purpose and put them below the abstract.
4. Manuscripts should be prepared in Hangul file format, and be set to the edit form as shown below.

5. Tables and Figures must be clear to be able to print without any modification. The number of table and figure in the main text indicates as Table 1 and Fig. 1. Table requires a heading aligned the upper left of each table and figure a legend aligned the bottom center of each figure.
6. Footnotes should be described preferably less. If necessary, it is allowed to indicate by the arabic number on upper right of the phrase and to describe at bottom of each page.
7. Contributions to the article should be mentioned at the bottom of the front page of the manuscript.
8. References cited in the text should appear parenthetically following the name(s) and the year of the source of information. Please note the following examples(e.g. Hong, 2001; Kim and Hong, 2001; Kim et al., 2001).
9. References should be listed at the end of the article. Citations in the References should be listed in alphabetial order. If the same author(s) has(have) several literatures, they should be listed by year. If the same author(s) had published the literatures in the same year, they should be listed by cited order in the main text, and add alphabetical order behind the published year(e.g. 2011a, 2011b). If the same author(s) had published the same title of the literatures in different year, the name of the author(s) is(are) replaced as "___ ", and the literatures are listed by year.
10. Examples of references are given below:
1) Journal article
-Hong, K. D. (2001), "A Study on Policy Direction for Restructuring of Korean Fisheries," The Journal Fisheries Business Administration, 41, 27-33.
-Gordon, H. S. and Stigler, G. (2001), "The Economic Theory of A Common Property Resource: The Fishery," Journal of Political Economy, 62, 124-142.
-Talukdar, Debabrata and Sudhim, K. (2002), "Investigating New Product Diffusion Across Productsand Countries," Marketing Science, 21 (1), 97-114.
2) Dissertation/Thesis, etc
-Choi, J. Y. (2008), "A Study on Institutional Arrangements for Quota-Based Management: The Caseof China's Marine Capture Fisheries,"Doctoral Dissertation(or Master's Thesis), Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea.
-Walker, O. C., Jr., Ruerkert, R. W. and Roering, K. J. (1984), "Alternative Perspectives on Organizational Behavior in Marketing," Unpublished working paper, School of Management, University of Minnesota.
3) Books(a book, report)
-Adams, H. D. and Anderson, L. G. (1990), Production Strategy, 2nd ed., John Willey & Sons, 29-239.
-National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives, Annual Statistics on Cooperative Sales of Fishery Products, each year.
4) Conference.
-Womack, R. S and Rean, J. F. (2006), "Fisheries Challenges under Global Compeition Regime," Paper presented at the International Conference of Fisheries, June 6-8, 2006, Tokyo, Japan.
-Johnson, T. D. (2007),"Future Course for Enhancement of Fisheries," Green Growth & Advancement of Fisheries·Fishing Villages, 2007 International Symposium, May 6, 2007, Seoul, South Korea.
11. Chapter and Verse indicate as Ⅰ, Ⅱ ..., 1, 2 ,.., 1), (1), ① in sequence.
12. The number of the equation is located at the right side of the line with parenthesis. Example is given below : Y=X+aZ (1)
13. Publication charge is KRW 150,000. The charge shall be paid when the author receives the publication acceptance. If it is necessary to mention the funding institute or organization, it is required to pay additional charge, KRW 100,000.
14. Corresponding author receives 10 copies of the reprints.

Submission of Manuscripts
Manuscripts are only accepted by e-mail(, For any questions or problem concerning manuscript submission, contact Dr. Jung-Hun Song, Editor-in-chief of The Korean Society of Fisheries Business Administration, Department of Marine Business & Economics, Pukyong National University, Busan 608-737, Korea(Tel:+82-51-629-5960, Fax:+82-51-629-7089). When submitting manuscript, Author Checklist and Copyright Transfer Agreement must be submitted together.

Authorship and ethical issues
The authorship should be restricted to those who meet any of the following conditions: 1) Substantial contribution to the conception and design to the study, acquisition, interpretation and analysis of data; 2) Drafting of the article of critical revision of its main intellectual content; and 3) Final approval of the version to be published. For the policies on the research and publication ethics not stated in these instruction standards for editors and authors ( standards-editors-and-authors) can be applied.